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Optimum nutrition 100 whey side effects

Whey Protein Side Effects

Consuming enough protein is one of the requirements to build muscle, but consuming too much can develop some of the known whey protein side effects .

A normal person requires something like 0.5 grams of protein per pound of his or her body weight.

Bloating is the most common of the whey protein side effects

A person that is trying to build muscle requires more, around 1 g per pound.

Professional bodybuilders can take even 2 g per pound.

Taking whey protein supplements can help you consume the amount of protein that you need to achieve your goal of building muscle mass, but don't be a fool thinking that the more protein you take in the more muscle you build.

As for everything, too much is never healthy. You always have to keep an eye on moderation if you want to avoid bad surprises after a prolonged use.

Even if something is very important for your body, too much of it will most likely be harmful as well.

I am thinking of water.

How many times did we hear "Drink plenty of water "?

Water is essential, but I've also heard of people that died for drinking too much water during a contest!

Whey Protein Side Effects

Although whey protein is a pretty safe supplement, like any abuse too much of it is going to develop some unpleasant side effects.

Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance is one of the most common whey protein side effects.

I know many people that experience this problem when they take whey protein shakes.

If you are one of those, your best bet is to go with whey protein isolate because it contains only 1% of lactose, which is very low compared to the typical 5-6% or regular whey protein.

Usually people with lactose intolerance switch to casein protein, and that seems to go much easier on their stomach. I tried it and I tend to agree.

Intestinal Irritation

This is probably related to the lactose intolerance, even though some that are not intolerant still experience side effects like diarrhea and flatulence.

Yeah, come on admit it, you had that too!

It's very common to develop increased intestinal gas during a whey protein cycle.

Don't be surprised if you hit the bathroom much more frequently than you used to and if your faeces suddenly become softer than usual.

Hint. I experienced big improvements when I started taking whey protein shakes with water rather than milk, especially near bedtime.

Kidney Stones and Kidney Failure

Kidney stones is one of the worst consequences of a high protein-low carbs diet, which doesn't sound so bad at first, but after you interview people that went through it you definitely change your mind.

Literally if you get kidney stones you have to go "through it". Kidney stones are deposits of calcium in your kidneys, and somehow your body has to get rid of them.

You basically have to pee them out, which is so painful according to those that experienced it.

And I am trying to prevent it by taking moderate quantities of whey protein and drinking plenty of water.

Especially when on a high protein and low carbs diet (meaning basically no carbs) people are proven toВ excrete a large amount of calcium in their urine.

Calcium is provided by the bones, and if this continues for a long time it can cause osteoporosis too.

Not such a good idea huh?

While a high protein and low carbohydrates diet has been proven to help lose fat in the short term, a prolonged use of this type of diet can lead to enter a ketosis state.

What is ketosis?

It's a metabolic state where you body burns more fat as a source of energy due to the lack of carbs. This is dangerous because it stresses the liver and causes destruction of muscle tissues.

Not only, prolonged ketosis state can cause kidney stones as well, and kidney failure.

If you are consuming lots of protein you can avoid ketosis by eating at least 100 g of carbs a day. That way you give your body something to burn for energy.

This is one of the whey protein side effects that I have personally experienced.

Not only with proteins, weight gainers as well.

Bloating, enlarged stomach, belly that sticks out even if you're not fat.

Call it what you want, but that's the side effect, my belly looked like a small baloon.

I remember thinking "I am not fat, so why is my belly so big?". I asked around, I documented and I found out that supplements can do that.

The good news is. it only takes a short time off whey protein shakes or weight gainer shakes to go back to normal.

If you want though, you can always try some anti-gas and anti-bloating supplements like this:

Reviews are really promising. That way you could eventually keep taking protein without whey protein side effects!

But if you experience a little swollen belly, there are natural ways to reduceВ bloating. Let me know how it goes.

Best Brand to Avoid Whey Protein Side Effects?

Now you're probably wondering if all brands are the same, or if there is at least one that is a bit better and could reduce all the side effects that you are experiencing.

I can tell you what works well for me, you can try it, but everybody is different.

The best I found is the BSN Syntha-6 .

I know that I have very little bloating, basically no other side effects, and I digest it easy.

Reviews are also very good for most people, but you may have to try different brands before you find the right one for you.

Buy small containers, so you can change frequently. And if you find a flavor that you like, don't stick to it for too long, or you will get sick of it sooner or later.

I keep 2-3 different flavors and rotate frequently!


So, yes you need lots of protein in your diet if you want to grow muscle, but be careful and make sure you don't abuse it.

Whey protein side effects can be uncomfortable (lactose intolerance, intestinal irritation, bloating etc.) and also very dangerous (kidney stones, kidney failure, stress on the liver and ketosis).

Be always moderate in whatever you do, it's the key to stay healthy and avoid serious consequences.

Some are scared to take whey protein supplements because they've heard stories about whey protein baldness side effects. well, I did some research I I came to the conclusion that it's a myth.

Do you agree with what you just read?

Have you ever experienced any of these side effects, or others that I haven't mentioned?

Drop a line and let meВ know!

Return from Whey Protein Side Effects to Whey Protein

January 12, 2016

Your lower left abdominal pain could be a kidney stone. Kidney stones can produce pain in the back and abdomen, and it can feel like it is worse on one side or the other. The pain can be so intense as to cause sudden nausea and vomiting. The pain can have a sudden onset as the "stone" moves into a ureter of the body. The stones are composed of little crystals which "catch and claw" their way down through these "tubes" through which urine leaves the body. There may be blood in urine as a symptom of these stones passing as well. The pain intensity will depend upon the size of the stone. If you suspect you have a stone, it is a medical emergency that needs to be seen by a professional. Along with a urinalysis and other lab tests, a sonogram will be done to determine many things, but to of most importance, if the stone is too large to ever pass completely. So a doctor's visit should be scheduled if you think you have a kidney stone. There are different medications that can be taken to help, such as one which dilates the ureters making them larger so that a stone or stones can pass more quickly.

January 14, 2016

if the stone is not so big that it needs medication it can be cure by drinking moderate amount of beer / Ever notice how you always end up running to the bathroom every time you have a few beers? Alcohol stimulates the kidneys to work harder to excrete the by-products of alcohol metabolism and this allows you to urinate more frequently. In fact, urinating is actually a natural way for the kidneys and bladder to cleanse themselves; thus, urinating because of drinking a couple of beers stirs up the bladder, prevents the coalescence of mineral crystals, and actually excrete those minerals while they are still at their smallest/. Source-

January 15, 2016

I am 64 years old and am doing the Long Trail in Vermont fall of '16. I have increased my diet with protein and also take whey protein shakes everyday for the past two months. I feel like a million bucks have increased my bench press by over 30%. I have actually seen some muscle mass. I am now experiencing bloating and nausea in the evening. Should I cut the milk out? Also should I only drink the whey shakes on my workout days (5days a week) and not drink it on weekends? Or should I go off it totally until symptoms resolve? My son who is a power lifter also recommended amino acids. Should I wait until my gut straightens out before I start amino acids. Do you have any recommendations on what brand to use?

February 21, 2016

Craig, I would definitely switch from milk to plain water. I found that milk and protein are a bad combination, the increase in side effects is noticeable. Try water with your powder, and take it only on workout days. I also suggest to switch flavor often, I get sick of the same taste quick! Have 2 or 3 different flavors at home, and change often, that will help with nausea. Water will help with bloating. My favorite with less side effects is Syntha-6. Copy and paste this link:

February 26, 2016

Hi Critsian, I am 5.11 and weigh around 210lbs and with waste around 40inch. Working hard at gym and taking optimum nutrition gold standard whey protein as well. I don't need mass, just I have to reduce weight. Should I quite taking supplement protein or should I continue. Appreciate your reply.

February 22, 2016

Hey Jackson, good question, I beat there are many interested in this as well. If you take in enough protein with your diet, there's no need to spend money and experience whey protein side effects. As you said, mass is not your goal. On the other hand, you still want to build muscle because more muscle helps burning more fat. Imagine your body like a car: a big engine requires more gas to run, and big muscle require more energy too (that come from fat burn).

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